BUYING Thurman Munson Signed Baseball, Autographs & Game Used Memorabilia
Below is a sample of Thurman Munson memorabilia that we have brought to auction. Such items include autographed baseballs, autographs, sports cards and more. We are currently accepting consignments and making purchases for the following items including, but not limited to Thurman Munson signed baseballs, autographs, sports cards, game used memorabilia, photographs and more. Want to know the value of your Thurman Munson autographed baseball or signed photo?
Imperial Sports is interested in the following Thurman Munson memorabilia:
- Thurman Munson Autographed Baseball
- Thurman Munson Signature
- Thurman Munson Game Used Bat
- Thurman Munson Game Used Jersey
- Thurman Munson Baseball Card
Do you have a Thurman Munson signed baseball that you are looking to sell? How about a signed index card or piece of his game used memorabilia? If you have an item or collection that you feel we might be interested in, please contact us today for your complimentary evaluation for your collection.
Don’t worry, we are not just interested in Thurman Munson sports memorabilia – there are hundreds of other very important players from baseball (and other sports too) that we are agressively seeking for future consignments in our auction. Currently, our main focus is vintage sports memorabilia with a specific emphasis on pre-1960’s sports collectibles.
Thurman Munson | Sell Your Item Today
From Wikipedia: Considered the “heart and soul” of the Yankees, Munson was named the first team captain since Lou Gehrig. He led the Yankees to three consecutive World Series appearances from 1976-1978, and two consecutive World Series championships from 1977-1978.
Munson died at age 32 while practicing landing his Cessna Citation at Akron-Canton Airport. Munson suffered a broken neck as result of the crash, and his cause of death was asphyxiation. His two companions escaped the burned aircraft.